
Everyday Makeup Look!

While putting on a full face of makeup with bright shimmery colors and super sharp contour is fun, it isn’t always realistic for everyday wear (unless that’s your style- you do you boo). I normally keep my makeup fairly natural looking but having makeup on I think gives me a little boost of confidence that I need to get throughout the day. In my opinion, the key parts to an everyday makeup look are long wearing and lightweight. No one wants to feel like their makeup is caking on under sweat throughout the day! Today I’m going to explain my everyday makeup routine.

I always start with a moisturiser to make sure my skin doesn’t get too dry under the different powder products I’m going to put overtop. I then take a mattifying and pore filling primer and rub that into my skin with my fingers. I highly recommend a mattifying primer because it keeps your skin from gaining any excess oils and pore filling because it keeps the makeup and dirt from penetrating your skin- which causes pimples. I then take a concealer that is the same shade as my face and cover over any spots or blemishes; you can use a BB cream or lightweight foundation to do this depending on how much coverage you’re wanting to have. After that I use a concealer one or two shades lighter to put under my eyes and on my eyelids to conceal any purple or veins that show through (college kids get no sleep didn’tcha know?). I personally like blend that in with a Beauty Blender (any makeup sponge works just as well) and set with a pressed or loose powder. If you’re wanting more coverage, use a powder with color but if not a translucent powder works the best. To finish off the face, I use a light to medium bronzer in a “3” motion on the outer perimeters of my face and on the sides of my nose and then use a coral-pink blush on the apples of my cheeks.

I’m very into monochromatic looks so I try to keep all of the colors on my face around the same shades. I use a fluffy eyeshadow brush to put the bronzer that I used previously into the crease of my eyelids and under my bottom lash line then I add a cream shade onto my lid. I quickly fill in my brows with a dark brown eyeshadow and use a clear brow gel to keep the hairs in place. To finish off the eyes I take a black mascara and coat my top and bottom lashes until I think they’re long enough. Last but not least I put on chapstick or a pink-y nude lipstick on my lips! 


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