About Me!

selfieHi everyone! My name is Baylee and I am a student at Texas State University. I’ve started this blog to talk about my one true love: MAKEUP! Just kidding about the one true love part (kind of) but makeup is definitely a passion of mine that I am excited to share with people. The reason I chose to do a makeup blog for class is because my love for makeup goes far beyond putting shimmery stuff on my face. Makeup is an art form that people all over the world have been using for hundreds of years as a form of self expression- one that is constantly changing and evolving. I want to take the chance to participate in the evolution of makeup by creating this blog and posting my own interpretation of the ever-growing art form. I hope to reach an audience of people who are interested in learning about makeup. As of now, the only other platform of social media I have that is showcasing my love for makeup is going to be my Instagram but this site could be a chance for growth.

So, sit back and enjoy the blog!